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May 13, 2022

ACTING LOCAL, GOING GLOBAL: Truking SSC in 13 countries has been launched on May 12

The sales and service centers (SSCs) set up by Truking in 13countries including India, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia, Uzbekistan,Bangladesh, Thailand, Turkey, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, theUnited States and Brazil were officially launched on May 12. We held an SSC openingceremony at the Changsha headquarters with the customers in China and had anonline celebration with the local SSC teams and customers.

Founded in 2000, Truking began to develop overseas markets and sellproducts to Indonesia in 2002. Today products of Truking headquarters have beensold to more than 40 countries and regions. In 2017, Truking acquired theGerman Romaco Group, a world-renowned pharmaceutical equipment company, thusrealizing a great progress in the internationalization of market, technology,manufacturing, brand, talent, capital and other aspects. The products of Romacocover more than 100 countries, especially the European and North Americanmarkets. After the consolidation of Truking and Romaco Group, the proportion ofoverseas revenue in 2021 was close to 35%.

The continuously improved pharmaceutical technology of Truking madeit continuously broken through the international high-end biological vaccinemanufacturing equipment market, and Truking has established cooperativerelations with many domestic and foreign biological vaccine companies. Thehigh-end vaccine production carried out in the Middle East, West Asia,Southeast Asia, South America and other regions, which has greatly enhanced theinfluence of Truking in the international market. The established overseas SSCin 13 countries will further enhance the internationalization process.

Ewing Cai, President of Truking International Business, delivered a speech

"The launch of the global SSC is animportant step for the localization of the international market of Truking,it’s another great milestone in development of the international business ofTruking." Mr. Ewing Cai, President of International Business, said at thelaunched ceremony, "Truking will embark on a deeper path of localizedoperation in the international market: one of the operational principles ofTruking is Customer-centered. We put our offices near customers so that we canbetter fit local cultures, laws, and regulations, and respond to customersfaster.

India, South Korea, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand and some otherAsian countries market are advantageous markets of Truking. The SSC in thesecountries will help Truking to further consolidate and enhance the localmarket; USA and Brazil SSC will promote the expansion of the whole Americanmarkets, Italy SSC will promote the development of European market andstrengthen the synergy between Truking and Romaco. “The local SSC will bringmore efficient and powerful technology, products, spare parts, and service tolocal customers, better guarantee the production, creating more value for ourcustomers” Ewing said.

He also stated that it is necessary to build the global SSC to adeeper and a higher level, so that overseas customers can feel the valuebrought to them by the localized operation of the international market ofTruking. The sales and service internationalization will also promote theinternationalization of higher-level technology R&D, manufacturing, talentsand brands, and continuously enhance the international influence of TrukingTechnology. We shoulder the mission of Equip theglobal pharmaceutical manufacturing industry with intelligent wings The localization development will also benefit to the localindustry, contributes more to the development of the pharmaceutical industry inthe world, realize Truking vision.

Jacqueline Lee, Senior Vice President of Truking International Business, hosted the event

SSCs from various countries participated online

Mr.Tang Yue, Chairman and President of Truking, said that the firstmajor milestone of Truking in promoting the internationalization andglobalization strategy was the M&A of Germany’s Romaco Group in 2017. “Ithas played a vital role in the strategic advancement of Truking, so that we canhave two operating headquarters in Changsha, China and Germany. Truking andRomaco develop together, learn and improve each other. With our support, Romacohas developed well in Europe, building a new, modern factory with highercapacity in Bologna, Italy; and acquired the Spanish coating machinemanufacturer Tecpharm, which has grown from 4 major subsidiaries at the time ofour acquisition to the 5 major member companies, with stronger strength and widerterritory.”

Tang Yue, Chairman andPresident of Truking, delivered a speech

"Romaco's support and promotion to Truking is also very great,they have introduced the rigorous innovation spirit and craftsmanship spiritthat they have accumulated over the past 140 years into Truking." Mr.TangYue said, "I can proudly say that Truking now is far ahead in processingstrength, craftsmanship, and product indicators in China's pharmaceuticalequipment industry. In addition to our hard work, we should also thank Romacofor its positive influence and help. The second milestone of TrukingTechnology's internationalization and globalization is today, we have launchedthe operation of SSC in 13 countries, which is not only a memorable day on theroad of Truking entrepreneurship, but also of great significance to China'spharmaceutical equipment industry."

SSC Operations Launched

In the long-term, Trukingalso plans to establish its own independent manufacturing plants in India,Europe, and America. Mr. Tang also said, "the third important milestone ofthe internationalization and globalization of Truking in my expectation is toset up SSC in 100 major industrialized countries and economies around theworld. I hope this day can be realized as soon as possible in the future. ‘Equip the global pharmaceuticalmanufacturing industry with intelligent wings is themission of Truking, we shoulder such a mission to contribute to the globalpharmaceutical industry and continuously promote the realization of ourvision."

On the afternoon of May 12, Mr.Tang Yue and other Truking seniorexecutives, SSC employees and customer representatives from various countriesjointly launched the operation of the SSC.

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